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Exercise – Enduring Love or Destructive Addiction?
Are you addicted or committed to exercise? Theres actually an important difference. Committed exercisers participate in exercise such as running for extrinsic rewards (ie achieving a place on a team or winning a race). Exercise is important to such a person,but it not a central part of their lives, and they are unlikely to experience […]
When I started OT, March 4th, I was out of shape, “fluffy” around the middle, with about 7 extra kilos in the body bag! At age 57 I have spent the past 7 years on a low-impact exercise plan, swimming and walking mostly. This was to repair a long standing spinal injury from 7 years [...]
Lauren’s OT 5.0 Diary
Week 1 I semi knew what to expect, going into 10-week transformation. One of my good friends had done it the year prior, and after seeing her transformation and how she felt, I wanted to give it a try. I had a few goals in my head going into the process. My best friend is [...]
Conventional wisdom tells us that we must train only at our own sport to get better. For example many runners spend most of their time only doing one thing running in the belief that other forms of training such as Bootcamp will be detrimental to their performance. Unfortunately the realities of doing one type of sports activities [...]
The weather has been pretty unpredictable as of late, alternating between really hot, sometimes unbearable sunny days and heavy downpour out of the sudden. We don't deny it's a challenge when it comes to training outdoors in extreme weathers; especially in rainy conditions where we noticed a shortage of people out training in parks during [...]
Sugar For Recovery
The carbohydrate has a well-earned place in post-workout nutrition. It's easy to view sugar as a nutritional villain, but people should think twice before cutting all carbs out of their diets. “We shouldn't make one food or nutrient a scapegoat for all of our health problems,” says Melina Jampolis,MD, author of The Doctor on Demand [...]
Does Exercise Weaken Your Immune System?
It’s been suggested that prolonged and vigorous exercise weakens (or suppresses) our immune system and increases susceptibility to ‘opportunistic’ infection. Certainly, this was the conclusion that researchers were drawing from studies in the 1980s and 1990s. But recent reviews of the research offer an alternative angle to this ‘immunosuppressive’ viewpoint as exercise has been found […]
What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?
There are certain important signals your body may be sending you that you shouldn’t ignore. Whether you’re new to fitness or are an experienced athlete, listening to your body is an absolute must. Here are six things you should pay attention to: You have muscle pain that won’t go away You could potentially have an injury. […]
How to know if your fitness regime is effective
There’s no better feeling than that which comes after a good, exhausting workout. But how do you know if your workout was actually effective in keeping you on the path towards achieving your goals? In order to see the big picture, we must gauge the effectiveness of our fitness regime in the long term. […]
Energy Deficiency Dangers in Female Athletes
Over the last few decades, girls’ interest and participation in sports has exploded. As interest has grown, so has competitiveness. With scholarships to earn, championships to win and records to break, things like irregular cycles and missing periods get pushed to the back burner. After all, getting pregnant is the last thing on the minds […]
Embracing Uncertainty
Uncertainty is a part of our lives at any moment, but when it comes to 2020, so far it may be the defining trend of the year. Given what life keeps throwing our way individually and as a collective society, chances are you have been exposed to the advice to “embrace uncertainty.” Psychotherapists say that […]
Measuring Workout Intensity With RPE
When exercising, it’s important to monitor your intensity to make sure you’re working at a pace that is challenging enough to help you reach your goals, but not so hard that you blow a lung. One way to do that is to use a Perceived Exertion Scale. It’s often abbreviated as RPE—rating of perceived exertion. […]
Measuring Workout Intensity with RPE
When exercising, it’s important to monitor your intensity to make sure you’re working at a pace that is challenging enough to help you reach your goals, but not so hard that you blow a lung. One way to do that is to use a Perceived Exertion Scale. It’s often abbreviated as RPErating of perceived exertion. […]
Embracing Uncertainty
Uncertainty is a part of our lives at any moment, but when it comes to 2020, so far it may be the defining trend of the year. Given what life keeps throwing our way individually and as a collective society, chances are you have been exposed to the advice to embrace uncertainty. Psychotherapists say that […]
How to know if your fitness regime is effective
Theres no better feeling than that which comes after a good, exhausting workout. But how do you know if your workout was actually effective in keeping you on the path towards achieving your goals? In order to see the big picture, we must gauge the effectiveness of our fitness regime in the long term. Whether […]
Does Exercise Weaken Your Immune System?
Its been suggested that prolonged and vigorous exercise weakens (or suppresses) our immune system and increases susceptibility to opportunistic infection. Certainly, this was the conclusion that researchers were drawing from studies in the 1980s and 1990s. But recent reviews of the research offer an alternative angle to this immunosuppressive viewpoint as exercise has been found […]
Sugar For Recovery
The carbohydrate has a well-earned place in post-workout nutrition. It’s easy to view sugar as a nutritional villain, but people should think twice before cutting all carbs out of their diets. We shouldn’t make one food or nutrient a scapegoat for all of our health problems, says Melina Jampolis,MD, author of The Doctor on Demand […]
What Is Your Body Trying To Tell You?
There are certain important signals your body may be sending you that you shouldnt ignore. Whether youre new to fitness or are an experienced athlete, listening to your body is an absolute must. Here are six things you should pay attention to: You have muscle pain that wont go away You could potentially have an injury. […]
Stay Injury and Illness Free As You Emerge From Isolation
As local social distancing regulations begin to loosen, many people are heading back outsideheres how you can make a healthy transition without falling right into injuries or illnesses. We are nearly halfway through 2020, and instead of being in the middle of a busy race season, everyone has had their year upended (if not outright […]
Period Cramps, Menstrual Cycle and Running
Heres the simple truth on a somewhat taboo subject, running on your period is possible. Training is achievable during periods though, to be honest it can be less than enjoyable. Here are some simple tips to help you train every day of the month. In 1996 Uta Pippig won the Boston Marathon, despite […]
How To Stay Strong In A Time Like This
Our mind is a powerful thing. It can be a force for great and amazing feats, or it can drive us to despair. Herb Benson, MD, in his book The Breakout Principle discusses two scenarios that cause stress: A struggle that is voluntary, begun by our own will A struggle that is involuntary, imposed by […]
Why Improving Grit is Essential for Lifelong Fitness
Weve all done it: made a big, far-reaching goal thats exciting, challenging, and even a little scary. You start out strong with big aspirations. You may even tell a few friends or family members. And while the initial push goes well, before long, you start to struggle. Life starts to get in the way. One […]
Sleep Deprivation
Human beings are the only species that make a conscious decision to miss out on sleep because we dont see it as being a productive use of our time. If something has to be sacrificed in our hectic lives, it tends to be a good nights sleep. Yet getting the right amount of sleep is […]
Sports injury: can you eat your way to recovery?
Can post-injury nutrition affect your healing and recovery outcomes for the better? When injury strikes, maximizing the speed of recovery is crucial for athletes seeking a speedy return to sport. Most athletes will already be familiar with methods such as rest, ice (to combat inflammation), stretching etc in an attempt to enhance recovery following an […]
How to Reduce the Risk of Injury ?
HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK OF INJURY? You may be new to training; you mustnt overload your body too quickly as you may get injured. To reduce your chance of injury: Please wear proper running shoes. Old shoes should be replaced. If you need any advice, please ask your coach Please attend the fundamentals session […]
Sports Injury, what to do ?
What causes sports injuries? Sports injuries can be caused by: an accident such as a fall or heavy blow not warming up properly before exercising using inappropriate equipment or poor technique pushing yourself too hard Almost any part of the body can be injured, including the muscles, bones, joints, and connective tissues (tendons and […]
Why Nutrient Density is More Important than Caloric Content
Lay off the calorie-counting and focus on nutrients instead. Youll likely enjoy more satiety, less inflammation, and better recovery. Density is a degree of consistency measured by the quantity of mass per unit of volumeor, the proportion of one substance in relation to a whole. The concept of nutrient density, therefore, refers to the quantity […]
Why Does Lactic Acid Build Up in Muscles? And Why Does It Cause Soreness?
As our bodies perform strenuous exercise, we begin to breathe faster as we attempt to shuttle more oxygen to our working muscles. The body prefers to generate most of its energy using aerobic methods, meaning with oxygen. Some circumstances, howeversuch as evading the historical saber tooth tiger or lifting heavy weightsrequire energy production faster than […]
3 Secrets to Performing at Your Highest Level
Get started. Keep going. Stop. Its one thing to reach the top of a mountain. Its another thing to stay there for a long time, through good weather and bad. Serena Williams, Tom Brady, Lebron James, and Diana Taurasi are all notable examples of elite performers who have accomplished the latter. Theyve ascended to great […]
Can You Get Strong Just Using Your Bodyweight?
Many of us scoff at bodyweight-only training. However, it may be time to rethink the assumptions that expensive equipment and gym memberships are the only way to get strong. When done right, bodyweight-only training can get you and keep you strong. BODYWEIGHT BASICS Bodyweight training exercises, also known as calisthenics, are arguably the […]
How to Speed Up Your Reaction Time
Reaction time is an ability often overlooked in sport. It simply means how fast an athlete is able to respond to a stimulus. Think a sprint start in running, returning a serve in tennis or dodging a punch in a boxing match. But thats not all its good for. Quick reaction time is required in […]
Does Having More Muscles Really Increase Your Metabolism?
For as long as we can remember, a lot of people have believed that for every 1 pound of muscle you gain, your body burns an additional 50 calories. On paper, this sounds awesome. But unfortunately, its not true. Does Increasing Muscle Mass Increase Metabolism? The answer is yes, but not by a whole lot. […]
Inflammation & Motivation
Motivation is a tricky beast to pin down. Sometimes it seems like you might be fired up one day and then sputter out the next. Or you could set some solid goals and yet never find the push you need to start working toward them. THE ROLE OF INFLAMMATION Although motivation can be complex in […]
Comparison Complex – How to Beat It
image sourced from Google Ever feel like the body you want is always just out of reach? Like youll never quite be lean, strong, fit, or healthy enough? Or that theres always somebody better than you? Heres how to stop hating on your body, and free yourself from the frustration of constant comparison. A secret […]
How Carbs Factor Into Post-Workout Recovery
Just as a healthy diet is essential fuel for a good workout, the food you eat after workout plays an important role in recovery. Your body is extra receptive to the nutrition you give it within an hour or two of working out, says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Superfood Swap. The right […]
The Case For Salt
Sodium is more important to your diet than you might think. Most of us are aware that too much salt is bad for us, but how much is too much? Whats the difference between salt and sodium? And why do we need salt in our diet? What is salt? The salt we put on our […]
Why So Many Of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise
Most of us eat more when we exercise, and though it may be just a few extra bites a day, the result is weight gain. People hoping to lose weight with exercise often wind up being their own worst enemies, according to the latest, large-scale study of workouts, weight loss and their frustrating interaction. […]
Study: When Does Clean Eating Become an Unhealthy Obsession?
Researchers at York Universitys Faculty of Health say those who have a history of an eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive traits, dieting, poor body image and a drive for thinness are more likely to develop a pathological obsession with healthy eating or consuming only healthy food, known as orthorexia nervosa (ON). Although eating healthy is an important […]
How to Use the Talk Test to Monitor Your Exercise Intensity
The talk test is one of the easiest ways to monitor your exercise intensity. You don’t need any equipment, like a heart rate monitor. All you really need is the ability to talk and breathe. Whether you can do both at the same time is where your intensity comes in. The idea behind the talk […]
Gaming Disorder Is Now An Official Disease
In an interesting decision on May 25th, the World Health Organization (WHO) is officially recognizing gaming addiction as an illness. So what is a gaming disorder? According to WHO, it is: “A pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior (digital gaming or video-gaming), which may be online (i.e., over the internet) or offline, manifested by: […]
Is Coconut Water Good For You?
Coconut water has seen an explosive rise in popularity over the last several years. Coconut, in general, has become a trending food item, from cooking with coconut oil to munching on baked coconut chips, to guzzling coconut water, the fruit itself has been in high demand because of its potential health benefits. Let’s look at […]
Is It Safe to Eat Food That Has Freezer Burn?
You can spot freezer burn the minute you see itits that mound of ice crystals that have seemingly fused onto your frozen blueberries and strawberries in the Ziploc bag, or on the top layer of your beloved, unfinished pint of ice cream, or to the corner of that piece of steak youve been saving. This […]
Periodized Nutrition: When to Go Low Carb
The carbohydrate has had a bit of a hard time recently. Carbs make us fat, sugar is evil, and we should all switch to a high-fat diet or we will get diabetes. While that may sound extreme it certainly isnt a rare opinion. We, humans, love to see things in black and white and nowhere […]
Working out for your body type
Different body types are best suited to different training and nutrition methods. Read on to find out where you fall… Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, or build lean muscle, knowing and understanding your body type can really help you to reach your health and fitness goals. By determining your body type, you […]
How Physical Activity Can Teach Kids to Love Their Bodies
Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence is important for motor development and overall health and fitness. Additionally, solid physical activity behaviors in the early years can help to set a foundation for life-long exercise adherence and an appreciation for physical activity. Unfortunately, most kids are not getting enough exercise. In 2016, only 21.6% of […]
Are sugar substitutes healthier than sugar?
On supermarket shelves, restaurant menus and in many homes, there has been an increasing shift towards healthier food options. And nowhere is this more evident than with refined white sugar. Long considered an evil villain in the fight against obesity and its twin scourge diabetes refined sugar is being usurped in favour of […]
Why spending time outdoors could help your child’s eyesight
Kids seem to spend endless hours on smartphones, games consoles, computers and tablets these days. Playing on electronic devices certainly doesn’t help their waistlines, but do you ever wonder what regular device use is doing to their eyesight? While there isn’t much research out there yet about the impact of screens on eyesight – after […]
Warrior Resilience
Warrior training is designed to develop not only physical but also social and mental fitness. We train outdoors with this purpose in mind. We can do more things and have more fun outdoors. We can raise your metabolism to another level outdoors. Training outdoors is great for the mind and body. Get back to our […]
Diaphragmatic Breathing
What Is Diaphragmatic Breathing? Diaphragmatic breathing is a type of a breathing exercise that helps strengthen your diaphragm, an important muscle that helps you breathe. This breathing exercise is also sometimes called belly breathing or abdominal breathing. It has a number of benefits that affect your entire body. Its the basis for almost all meditation […]
Warrior- Social Fitness
Build Your Social Fitness “Social fitness involves building and maintaining healthy connections with others. It plays an important role in supporting optimal performance and resilience. A Warrior who is socially fit grows trusted and valued relationships with family, friends and colleagues. When we collectively practise healthy social connections and behaviours humans thrive. Social activities like Warrior training […]
Warrior Spirit
Warrior training is built on a positive community spirit, an environment where you can achieve more, have a laugh, make new friends and build your team skills. We call it Esprit De Corp As a Warrior, it is important that: We come to training on time We wear the tee-shirt We encourage each other We […]
Keeping Your Brain As Fit As Your Body
Your brain deserves its own gym (and spa)! When we think of fitness and training, we usually consider only whats below the neck – but every part of you, including your brain, needs regular workouts…and rest. At any given time, the brain uses a quarter of our overall energy; considering its size relative to the […]
Hip Pain During and After Running
You don’t remember exactly when it started, but now you can’t make it through a run without that nagging pain in your hip. It came on slowly–at first just an annoying ache. But now, even after icing and soaking and resting, the pain is deep and relentless. So what gives? Hip alignment issues are one […]
Breathing essentials for athletes
Our physical abilities begin with the fuel we give our body. We arent talking about nutrition this time. Today, we are talking about oxygen. Do you often hold your breath for the last few reps of a difficult exercise? Or have troubles pushing yourself further, not because your muscles cant handle it, but because youre […]
Magnesium: A Critical but Often Forgotten Electrolyte
The subject of electrolytes is a common one amongst endurance athletes. A majority of the focus has been sodium, calcium, and potassium, which which are certainly important. Unfortunately, magnesium is often overlooked. This critical electrolyte plays a key role in many functions of your body and is crucial to your performance. The Importance of Magnesium […]
5 Tips for Healthy Gut
Digestive upset is a hugely common problem. Often, we dont even realize we have digestive issues until we make changes and suddenly the pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea is gone. Many of us think we have a healthy gut with normal bowel movements until we learn what should really be happening in the bathroom. Its […]
Too Busy to Exercise? How You Can Live a Healthier Life!
You know the feeling – too busy with work commitments, dropping the kids off at school, etc. We all know how to get fit and healthy but living a healthier live can be challenging. Here I lay out some simple tips to help you move more and eat healthier. 1. Ask the question First, ask […]
The One Person You Will Spend The Rest Of Your Life With…
Have you ever realized there is only one person you will 100% for sure spend the rest of your life with? One person who’ll experience all your victories and glories, all your failures and hard times? One person who knows your whole story from beginning till end? Its YOU. That is why it’s about time […]
The Benefits of Unilateral Training
Unilateral exercises are single-leg or single-arm movements. The primary benefit of including unilateral exercises in your training programs is that the exerciser is using both sides of the body equally. Doing so helps your clients avoid overtraining or overusing the dominant side, helps to isolate and correct muscle imbalances, improves balance, utilizes core muscles, aids […]
Overcoming Excuses – Why everyone can become a runner
Your body was designed to run, you do have time and no, its not dangerous…drop the excuses and unleash your natural ability. Think youre genetically not designed to be a runner? Dont have time or worried that running wont match your goal or interfere with other training methods? Ever occurred to you that these are […]
Warrior Fitness is now in New Zealand!
Based out of the sunny Bay of Plenty City of Tauranga in the upper North Island, Mariane Wray has established a branch of Warrior Fitness in New Zealand. Mariane was a Warrior Coach in Penang for three years from 2013 – 2015, and loved the values, community spirit and inclusiveness of Warrior Fitness. These are […]
Sleep and Human Growth Hormone
What is the human growth hormone? Human growth hormone (often abbreviated HGH or hGH, or simply GH for growth hormone) is an important part of the bodys endocrine system. It is especially active in the growing childs maturation (although it is not the only physiological factor that makes kids get taller and grow). HGH is […]
What Are Plyometrics And Why Do You Need Them?
What the hell are plyometrics? Heard of plyos or plyometrics from your coach or read about it somewhere on the internet, but still not sure what it is or why you might need it? Plyometrics, in simple terms, means jump training and includes dynamic movements not just up and down but also side to side […]
How Sleep Impacts Athletics Performance
The benefits of good sleep come into particular focus for athletes. Post-exercise recovery with extra sleep accelerates the building of muscle, strength, and endurance. Without proper sleep, athletes suffer from poorer reaction times, longer recovery times, and worsened performance. How does sleep deprivation affect athletes? Sleep deprivation for one night or two, or the accumulation […]
Dieting, Sleep, and Weight Gain
Good sleep helps control weight. Poor sleep leads to weight gain and vice versa. These are general statements, of course, and individual experience may vary, but if you are trying to diet and lose weight or you are trying to improve your sleep, it pays to keep these interactions in mind. Obesity rates have risen […]
Combating Food Wastage : How to Make Your Fruits and Vegetables Last Longer
At the grocery store, you fill your cart with fresh fruits and veggies with every intention of using them. But before you know it, its a week later and youre throwing half of those fruits and veggies in the trash. Youre not alone. The U.S. wastes a whopping $160 billion in food each yearabout 1,249 […]
Misconceptions of Protein Consumption
Eating protein the right way can help support muscle growth, as well as making recovery after a tough session easier. If youre skimping on protein, it can be hard for your body to get the fuel it needs to maintain lean muscle. Its really easy to be confused about how and when to eat protein, as […]
3 Common Mistakes of Post-Workout Nutrition
Who doesnt know the feeling: Youve just completed a hard workout, gave it your all and now want to reward yourself with something delicious – after all, youve earned it, right? But watch out – post-workout hunger should be approached with care. Read on to discover 3 big mistakes you could be making and tips […]
Hydration for Good Quality Sleep
Along with exercise and good nutrition habits, experts agree that sleep is equally fundamental to an athletes health and performance. But studies show that in addition to factors such as room temperature and light from electronics, hydration also plays a role when it comes to obtaining restorative shut-eye. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a […]
How To Start Eating Better?
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Your PN Holiday Srvival Guide
Holiday preparations, family visits, and epic meals end-of-the-year festivities can make it feel impossible to avoid skipping workouts, gaining weight, and landing on January 1st with a momentous hangover. This “Holiday Survival Guide” from Precision Nutrition aims to help you on how to eat smart and move more intentionally during the holiday season. Holiday Survival […]
5 Tweaks to Eliminate Common Exercise-Induced Pain
When it comes to exercising, form is everything. The better your form, the more effectively youll work the muscles youre looking to target. But some common form slip-ups tend leave people sidelined. Help eliminate exercise-induced pain by keeping these cues at the forefront of your fitness. Rounding Your Back Rounding your back is almost always […]
Conversation Starter Tips
So you want to join Warrior or any training group, but its all a bit too intimidating? We get it, weve all been there: checked online, found a training you would like to join, Google-d and found the location. But as soon as we arrive, the fear of introducing ourselves can sometimes be enough to […]
Level Up Your Training With Resistance Band
Using nothing but your own bodyweight can be extremely effective and make you insanely strong. Plus, its super accessibleequipment-free bodyweight workouts can be done almost anywhere and require no expensive gear or gym membership. However, using resistance bands in your bodyweight training is good for you as well. They can help to make some moves […]
Why Training Together is Better
When motivation is low and your mind is screaming for excuses, theres one thing were sure will get you off the couch and onto the training ground: your training buddies. We know its not always easy to join a training group and some friends require more persuading than others, but together, we are stronger and […]
Which Training Ground to Hit?
Different locations offer various surfaces to train on. As your body is always in contact with the ground, it’s important to learn more about different surfaces and their impact on training. So let’s scratch the surfaces and see what your best options are. The training spot : Lost in the Wild After a long day […]
Train Your Brain to Crave Training
Do you know people who always choose a long run after work over a cozy night with pizza, Netflix and a glass of wine? Or dont join you for that second cocktail and leave the party early because they want to be fit for tomorrows morning workout? These people seem to have their sh** together, […]
Barkley Marathon – The Immortal Horizon
A couple of weeks ago, we came across an interesting documentary on Netflix called the Barkley Marathon. Some of you may have heard of it (especially if you’re an avid trail runner) but to most of us, the name does not ring a bell. To be honest, we watched the documentary out of curiosity; one […]
3 Ways to Put an End to Foot Pain
If your foot hurts every morning with your first steps of the day, or the first mile of your long run is crazy-painful, you might be dealing with a common (yet frustrating) condition that threatens to sideline millions of everyday walkers and athletes each year. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the band of tissue connecting your […]
Why Do We Need to Learn Mental Skills?
Author Blurb: Mariane Wray is a Registered Psychologist in the Royal NewZealand Navy, currently working in developing high performance within elitemilitary units. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer, an ex-Warrior BootcampCoach, and a keen runner. Most importantly, Mariane is a mother of two, whoare the main recipients of her mental skills coaching. The […]
What Are Mental Skills?
Author Blurb: Mariane Wray is a Registered Psychologist in the Royal NewZealand Navy, currently working in developing high performance within elitemilitary units. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer, an ex-Warrior BootcampCoach, and a keen runner. Most importantly, Mariane is a mother of two, whoare the main recipients of her mental skills coaching. The material […]
Lauren’s OT 5.0 Diary
Week 1 I semi knew what to expect, going into 10-week transformation. One of my good friends had done it the year prior, and after seeing her transformation and how she felt, I wanted to give it a try. I had a few goals in my head going into the process. My best friend […]
Cameron Highland 100km Ultra Trail
Each year, elite runners gear up and participate in the challenging 100km ultra trail run. Here is a glimpse into the experience of our fellow Warrior Debbie Chinn in completing 100km trail run in Cameron Highlands. It is a story of hard word, perseverence, teamwork, hold on to your faith and keep going even in […]
How Much Should You Drink
The modern “hydration industry” has convinced many people in the world of health and fitness that dehydration is a terrifying fate to be avoided at all costs. Whether it’s a bandolier-style “hydration belt” or buckets of blue “sports recovery drink”, products that supposedly help us stay hydrated abound. But do we really need to worry […]
The hows of endurance running
By Tan Chin Chin “If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience life, run a marathon.” Emil Zatopek (The only person to win the 5,000 meters, 10,000 meters and the marathon in a single Olympics.) To understand the intricaies of mastering the art of endurance running, we must […]
Rest day guilt?
Recovery and tapering down is part of the process we need in our work out schedule in order to achieve optimal physical performance. We have been told the importance of taking a rest day instead of hitting hard in our training countless times by our coaches or fitness advisory. Yet some of us feel a […]
Rate of perceived exertion
The Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a way of measuring physical activity intensity level. Perceived exertion is how hard you feel like your body is working. It is based on physical sensations you experience during the physical activity, including increased heart rate, increased respiration or breathing rate, increased sweating and muscle fatigue. Although, […]
Benefits of exercising in a group or team
One of the good things about working out in Warrior is that it has several sessions a day catering to everyone’s schedule. Whether it is in the morning 5:30am and 8:30 am, in the evening 6:30pm or weekend classes, there is a group of enthusiastic people exercising at a designated location. Cheering on each […]
Exercise is good for you but sometimes in our quest to improve we think the more the better and consequently do not allow our bodies enough rest and recuperation. The outcome is that by over-training we actually do more harm than good and weaken our chances of achieving our goals. Signs of over-training to […]
How Your Nutrition Affects Your Sleep
Did you know that whatand how muchyou eat can have a huge impact on how well you sleep? Well, it does. And more thank you think. Because while you might never have thought about how your nutrition may affect your sleep, it has a bigger impact than most of us realize. While society may constantly […]
Warriors in the Kitchen – Recipe 2
Chocolate Protein Truffles Recipe by Coach Tess “Delicious and nutritious snack packed with high calories. Ideal for those wanting to gain weight or muscles and burning loads of calories.” Preparation time: 30 minutes; Refrigerate for 5 days (Makes up to 12 balls) Ingredients: 2 scoops chocolate protein powder 2 heaped tablespoons of almond […]
Are You Outsourcing Too Much Movement?
We live in an age of pure convenience; almost everything you could ever want is easy to access and utilize. Instead of planting your own garden, washing and cutting up your own food, you can buy pre-chopped veggies at the grocery store. Instead of walking up three flights of stairs, you can take the elevator. […]
Operation Transformation 5.0
By Poh Wei Lin May 13, 2017. And that’s a wrap for OT 5.0. It was the last meeting for the Warriors who took part in the 10-week Operation Transformation 5.0 program. The OT 5.0 Warriors gathered on a Saturday morning with their sunny attitude and delicious homemade healthy dish for a potluck brunch to […]
Get A Grip: How to Improve Your Hand Strength And Wrist Mobility
We use our hands for EVERYTHING. Whether its everyday tasks like carrying groceries, opening jars, and lifting suitcases, or gym-related activities like chin-ups, rows, and deadlifts. Of course, you probably also type at your computer for hours with resulting aches and pains at the end of the work day. Stretching out the hands and […]
Warriors in the Kitchen
Quinoa, Bean and Mango Salad Recipe by Illona “A wholesome salad that has carbs, protein and natural sugar. A nice combination of sweet, tangy, rich and crunchy taste!” Preparation time: under 30 m Ingredients: Main: 100 gms dried kidney beans 1 large mango 1 large bell pepper 1 cup quinoa 1 […]
2015 Dietary Guidelines: Fat
The Dietary Guidelines were first introduced in 1980, and are reviewed and updated every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Health and Human Services. Other nations have adopted these guidelines, and adapt them based upon specific cultural and population requirements, but in general the guidelines have remained the same across […]
Strength vs. endurance – Do You Need Both?
Most peoples definition of strength and endurance barely scrapes the surface. Strength is not just for bodybuilders, defined only by how many pullups or pushups you can do, and endurance, not solely a necessity for runners and related to how long you can run without stopping. When it comes to athletic performance, theres far […]
The Pillars of Wellness
For a variety of reasons, the worldwide rates of physical and mental illness and disease continue to increase . This is despite advances in science, medicine, technology and research. It has also been suggested that due to the effect of obesity on longevity, the steady rise in life expectancy during the past two centuries may […]
How To Measure Your Progress
Lots of people rely on the scales for feedback on their fitness progress, but the number on the scale can be misleading. Not to mention, we all have different goals in mind and some goals might not actually include weight loss. But dont worry, there are lots of ways to keep tabs on the progress […]
OT 5.0 Blog by Nancy- Part 1
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif;} When I started OT, March 4th, I was out of shape, fluffy around the middle, with about 7 extra kilos in the body bag! […]
Are You Eating Enough To Make Progress?
Most people tend to think that eating less is the key to a stronger and healthier body. But thats not necessarily true. Because what you might not realize is that when you have fitness and skill goals, eating too little can actually hurt your performance. In fact, heres what can happen when you try to […]
Give Rest A Chance
Although you probably don’t like to admit it, deep down you know your body is crying out for a rest. But as usual, you push through. Mind over matter, only the weak need rest, no pain no gain, I’ll sleep when I die, and besides, busyness is importance and I like being important. Yet once […]
Fat: Friend or Foe? How Much Should You Eat?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif; border:none;} For years we were told that eating fat would make us fat and increase our risk for heart disease. But now were told […]
Pre Race Nutrition to Spartan Race
For competitions like the Spartan Race, which require strength-endurance, a high-carb diet at least one week prior to the race is recommended. The evening before, a pasta party would be ideal to fill glycogen stores up with a big portion of pasta or potatoes. Also, you should avoid alcohol the days before, as it interferes […]
How To Train Like A Spartan
Whether youre clearing a wooden wall, climbing a rope or making it across monkey bars, each obstacle requires a certain set of skills and extra strength in specific muscle groups. Find out which exercises (which are also incorporated in Warrior training!) lay the groundwork to take your performance to the next level. With that being […]
What Does It Mean If I’m Not Sore After a Workout?
What does it mean if you’re not sore after a workout? Many people associate sore muscles with a good workout, so they feel like if they dont pull up sore the next day, then it must have been a waste of time. Or alternatively some people may only get sore muscles from certain workouts, and […]
7 Rules for Eating
Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif; border:none;} Americans, and most other Western nations suffer a national eating disorder: our unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. That’s the verdict delivered by […]
Not All Pounds Are The Same
Were all carrying fat, muscles, bones, organs and more in our bodies. Besides our weight, more important is the distribution of all those things. Measuring body fat is one of the most effective ways to evaluate your diet and workout regimen. Lets take a closer look at what you need to know about body fat. […]
Is It Healthy to Do a Detox?
It can be tempting to try a detox or cleanse this time of year. After the excesses of the holidays, with so much food and booze, you might be feeling tired and bloated, and you may be carrying a few extra pounds. Flushing out toxins and feeling renewed and refreshed sounds so appealing. But science […]
Coach Tess’ Amazing Homemade Hummus Recipe
This fail-proof recipe is brought to you by Coach Tess, who has it permanently up on her fridge so anyone in the house (including her 2 young sons) can whip up a batch in no time! Try this when you need a quick protein boost or side dish. Ingredients 1/4 cup Lemon Juice 1/4 cup […]
Be a Fitness Goal Keeper
By Conor McManus The new year is fast approaching and we all most likely be reflecting on what we had achieved in 2016 and, more importantly, what we wish to achieve in 2017. Jessica (name has been […]
Training Tips for Rainy Days
Ever used rain as a reason not to train? Then this article is for you. But my phone will get wet, my hands cant grip the bar, Ill catch a cold, slip, or wont have time to get dry before work. Be honest these are all just excuses. Weve heard them all before, most of […]
Buns of Steel – Reasons to Build Glute Strength
The modern world seems determined to put you on your backside. Our ancestors worked in physically demanding farms and factories, but modern technology has taken away that physical strain. Weve swapped standing for sitting, which is a serious problem for the three muscles that make up your buttocks. Sitting doesnt require any engagement from your […]
How to Make Healthy Living Easier
Too many people see working out and eating well as just some things they have to do in order to be healthy and fit. Its sad because living a healthy life and exercising canand should bemuch more than that. It really should be fun and enjoyable! For someone fairly new to a healthier lifestyle, being active and […]
Why LISS Should Be A Part Of Your Workout Routine
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio. As its name suggests, it is any form of low intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time. This is completely different to HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which focuses on quick bursts of cardio followed by a rest period. […]
Cramping During A Spartan Race: How To Stop Cramping In Its Tracks
By: Ben Greenfield In the 2014 Spartan World Championships, at one point I clambered upside down monkey style across the Tyrolean Traverse, and I was forced to grip the rope hard with my calves and hamstrings. At that point in my life, I wasnt accustomed to this; before then, I had never climbed upside down […]
How to Train Your Appetite
With hunger, there’s want, and there’s need. And distinguishing between the two (and making smart choices thereafter) is at the very heart of healthy eating, and a constant challenge for so many of us. Up until about age 5, you had an innate ability to tune in to that need-based hunger, crying for food […]
The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom
Key #1: Right Thinking Lay aside self-defeating, invalid mind-sets that do not work. They have the power to keep you from making different choices or developing new behaviours. Too often, we let these negative notions go unchallenged, and we act as though they were true. You must monitor what you’re thinking and challenge whether it is true. If […]
To Nap Or Not To Nap: What You Should Know About Daytime Snoozing
To nap or not to nap: that is the question for those with daytime grogginess. When nighttime sleep is restless, the urge to nod off can be irresistibleat work or anywhere else. Whether youre an overt napper or just finally give in, youve probably wondered how long a nap is too long and whether […]
Staying Healthy Long Into Old Age
An 80-year old Irish couple Kay and Joe ORegan finished their 142nd marathon in Cork, Ireland. Both had only taken up running in their 50s and had maintained high levels of fitness and mobility well into their 80s. But for most of us, running a marathon seems like a world away- something we could only […]
Flexibility – Do I Really Need It?
Flexibility is necessary for optimal performance. Be it weight lifting, running, bodyweight or simply performing everyday tasks, with so many positive effects on your body, its worth dedicating some training time to improving your flexibility. In this article we will take a look at why flexibility is important, what makes some more flexible than […]
Spartan world champ Robert Killian’s obstacle course racing training plan
Robert Killian keeps 70-pound sandbags in his garage, for carrying on his chest. He walks in circles lugging two 50-pound dumbbells and tosses spears between interval runs. Killian, a U.S. Army Green Beret (currently of the Colorado National Guard) and 2015 Spartan Race world champion, trains specifically for obstacle course racing (OCR), a key component […]
Why You May Want to Splurge on a Sports Massage
from Google images When you think of a massage, you probably imagine a luxury spa, nature sounds and a stark white room glowing only with candlelightor something like that. While that sounds undoubtedly nice, a sports massage isnt usually part of an awesome vacation package. Its an effective tool in a lot of […]
Warrior Withdrawal
Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif; border:none;} By Mariane Wray, Former WBC Coach I was lucky enough to find Warrior Fitness & Adventure in 2013 within the first […]
Warrior Rucksack Run
On the 17th of July 2016, Warriors woke up bright and early to participate in the second Warrior Rucksack Run Challenge held at Pearl Hill. It was a very diverse group, with participants ranging from the ages of 16 to 60. The route was to be a very steep 6.5 km interspersed with […]
Operation Transformation 3.0
Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:”Cambria”,serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} By Lee-Lim Ai Ping, WBC Coach The mood at Studio 1 of PenangPac that Saturday morning was encouraging, cheery, and full […]
Fit but Unhealthy
Certain health issues tend to crop up in even the most dedicated exercisers. Because you can’t judge a bookor a bodyby it’s cover: Its possible to be fit but unhealthy, says Lawrence Creswell, M.D., a heart surgeon at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and avid runner, cyclist and swimmer. Men, in particular, run the […]
6 Things Your Body Could Be Trying To Tell You
Its true, we usually tell you its your mind that must take control over your body. But there are times when your body knows whats best. And it may even need your help. To keep you clued up and aware of what to look out for, here are 6 things your body could be trying […]
5 Ways To Beat That Annoying Stitch
We all know that feeling. Youre in the middle of your workout or run and suddenly you get a dreaded stitch in your side. You have to pause and you try desperately to get rid of it. We all get them, but there is a lot of speculation around the actual cause of stitches. So […]
Exercise Bulimia
Exercise bulimia is similar to Anorexia athletica (also known as compulsive exercising or exercise addiction), but is a subset of bulimia in which an individual is compelled to exercise excessively to burn the calories to a level that negatively affects their health. Unlike classic bulimia, the disorder is nearly as common in men as […]
Reasons You’re Not Losing Belly Fat
Doing sit ups day in and day out will not give you the abs of your dreams. Youve probably heard this a million times, but losing weight and achieving a fit and toned body cannot be achieved overnight – nor is it possible to spot reduce. It requires dedication to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. […]
The World Is Getting Fatter And No One Knows How To Stop It
Global obesity is on the rise Humanity is putting on weight. Across the globe, in wealthy countries and developing nations, among children and adults, an increasing number of people are overweight or obese. Today, nearly 40 percent of the worlds adults fall into one of those categories, according to new estimates by a global network […]
Can exercising too hard kill you?
Most people who have spent a lot of time in the gym, on the trail or in the pool have heard of someone who keeled over dead, or near dead, while exercising. The early years of the running boom had the shocking example of Jim Fixx, who died while running at age 52 in 1984, […]
Why Train in a Group
Social OpportunitiesAttending Warrior group training gets you up off the couch and out of the same four walls of your home to meet people in the community. You are likely to have more fun exercising in a group than working out on your own. Warrior Training is great place to meet people who have similar […]
Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Lemon With Water
Lemon water can make heartburn worse. Drinking lemon with water is a common approach taken during detoxification diets or as part of weight loss plans. Lemon with water contains nutrients your body needs such as vitamin C, potassium and fiber. However, this beverage may also cause side effects if you drink too much of it. […]
Some Thoughts on Running Shoes
Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:”Calibri”,sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;} So many people are asking our advice on running shoes, that I thought I ought to put down […]
Cholesterol Is Finally Officially Removed From ‘Naughty’ List
Cholesterol has been on the “naughty” list of nutrients for nearly 40 years, with health officials warning us to stay away from high-cholesterol foods since the 1970s to avoid heart disease and clogged arteries. But US officials have finally given the green light for a U-turn on previous warnings, which means eggs, butter, full-fat dairy […]
Why Can’t I Run Faster?
Every runner knows what it feels like to reach his or her limits. But what defines those limits? Contrary to the outdated locker-room myth, the reason you hit your limits is not simply that lactic acid is scorching your muscles. Instead, the sensations you feel while running each correspond to a different minicrisis in your […]
10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out
Mid-way through a recent group exercise class, the teacher lost me. She didnt lose me because of some complicated step sequence or insanely long set of burpees; I mentally checked out because of a few words she kept saying over and over. Come on! Get that body ready for your winter beach vacation! Think […]
Fitness food
1) Beet juice for stamina Recent research shows that this ruby red root veggie may be more effective at boosting energy than caffeine, or nearly anything you’ll find in the supplement aisle. When UK researchers asked male athletes to down either 16 ounces of organic beetroot juice or a placebo, those who gulped the real […]
10 things beginner runners get wrong
Having made the decision to start running, it is extremely easy to make a series of mistakes that could put you off the sport for life. So read on to make sure you dont fall off the running bandwagon before youve even really got on it. Wrong shoes Despite the very good advice on offer […]
by Mariane Wray Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:”Table Normal”; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:””; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:”Times New Roman”,serif; border:none;} Those of you who have been to Luang Prubang before know that it is a UNESCO […]
by Mariane Wray Those of you who have been to Luang Prubang before know that it is a UNESCO World Heritage area on the banks of the Mekong River, with many beautiful temples and the ritual giving of alms to the monks every morning. It is well worth a visit. This time, my second visit […]
Anne’s WBC Journey
“Boot Camp”….. someone answered when asked what they did for exercise. It immediately evoked images from my younger years in Northern Ireland during the ‘troubles’. Images of army training near my home which appeared to involve running up and down the Mourne mountains in all weathers dressed in full fatigues and weighed down with back […]
Six pack abs do not define health, and if you want them prepare to sacrifice your social life
Consistency is the key for long-term health and fitness, says Karen Coghlan. Spot reduction refers to the belief that fat can be targeted for reduction from a specific area of the body. For example, we are led to believe: ? If you have stubborn belly fat, you need to do more sit-ups ? If you […]
By Mariane Wray – WBC Coach (Adapted from the American Council on Exercise Advanced Health & Fitness Specialist Manual) Life has changed since I was young. No longer do kids roam the neighbourhood for hours on end with their friends, and turn up at someone’s house when they get hungry. No, now we live in […]
Fix Your Postures
Your mother was right — good posture is important! According to the American Chiropractic Association, good posture helps us stand, walk, sit and lie in positions that place the least strain on our muscles and ligaments. Poor posture can lead muscle strain and uneven muscle development and can make you more prone to injury and […]
5 Ways To Get More Of Your Workout
While you will notice almost daily improvements from workout to workout in the beginning, you will sooner or later get into a phase of seeming stagnation. First, relative progress decreases steadily be it in performance or in physical development until one day, it will be extremely hard to achieve any improvement even […]
The Scoop on Supplement Safety and Regulations
Overview More and more people are turning to supplements as a way to fill in the gaps in their diets. The elderly rely on nutritional supplementation to keep their bones strong and minds sharp. Bodybuilders and weightlifters have turned off the steroids and turned on to natural supplementation to increase muscle and reach training goals. […]
The Common Cause of Running Injuries Most People Overlook
It may sound counterintuitive, but the best long-distance runners didn’t get so good from running alone. To run harder, better, faster, stronger, they supplement their runs with other forms of exercise like cross-training, strength training, and interval running. Studies show these are all important elements in any training plan to become a better runner . […]
Does Working Out in the Rain Make You Sick?
It’s a common medical myth that being outside in the rain or cold makes you sick. So, it’s natural to assume that, by the same logic, working out in the rain or cold — or both — makes you sick. Neither, of course, is true. Being in rainy or cold conditions during exercise is not […]
Testimonial : Promoting Fitness for Life!
We received a heart warming testimonial from Sally before she left Penang and she encourages us to share it with everyone. Thank you Sally, WBC is proud to have made an impact in your life, we wish you all the best and keep up the fitness routine 🙂 Testimonial: I would like to thank […]
More than a Workout: Warrior Fitness 27th Jan – 2nd August 2015
Sign Up here for Free Trial:
12 Deadly Workout Sins
Not seeing results with your workout? Maybe you’re committing one of these workout sins Sin #1: Too much, too soon“If women want their arms smaller, their abs smaller, or their thighs smaller, they typically will work those muscles every time they work out,” says Melyssa St. Michael, a personal trainer and director of UltraFit Human […]
Warrior Schedule: 20th- 26th July: Obstacle Race Training this Friday and Saturday Morning
If you have been wondering what Warrior is all about, the come check us out on Monday 20th July for a free workout. Sign up details here
Sign Up here for Free Trial:
The Two Most Important Things You Can Do Before a Workout
There is a ton of information out there addressing things like training, supplementation and best practices, in terms of what you should do before a workout. It can be overwhelming trying to sift through it all and figure out what works best for you. Each of us has unique needs and what works for me […]
WBC has just completed its first Nutrition and Weight Management programme, OPERATION WARRIOR TRANSFORMATION, over the period 13 April to 8 June. Operation Warrior Transformation (Op WT) is an 8 week programme focusing on healthy diet, nutrition, exercise and attitude. It is a group programme designed to help people; Lose weight or gain weight, if […]
Are You Training or Trash Collecting?
It’s hardly breaking news that exercise does wonders for mind and body betterment it burns calories, reshapes your body, wards off diseases, slows aging, puts you in a good mood and, well, the list goes on. But as of last month, we may better understand some of the reasons why getting a move on […]
The Afterburn Effect – Myth or Magic Bullet?
The term afterburn effect comes up repeatedly in connection with high intensity training. For some, its a miracle cure for burning calories; others claim it has hardly any effect. To this day, afterburn effect has not been fully researched because of the complex interaction between the underlying processes and systems. Oxygen deficit and compensation Among […]
Push Up Progression
Nutritionist-Approved Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks
Fuel up before and after your workout with these yummy snack suggestions that are loaded with the right amounts of carbohydrates and protein. Before a workout: 1 single serving pack of dried fruit 1 fruit-flavored Greek yogurt (look for one that has 20 grams of sugar or less) Skim latte (12 ounces) 1/2 cup […]
Micronutrients – Tiny Helpers That Make A Huge Difference
As a sportsperson, you need micronutrients more than anyone. Were sure youve heard this already but many people still underestimate micronutrients and the effect they can have. People tend to neglect micronutrients in their daily nutrition. A large part of your diet should be made up of foods that are rich in micronutrients. Youve probably […]
Which Rest Is Best?
If youve wondered what circumstances call for active rest (taking it easy while still moving) versus static rest (stopping completely) between sets, let us clear something up right now; static rest is never the ideal choice. For that 60- to 90-minute period while youre working out, the only reason you should come to a full […]
Better Than Botox
For a society obsessed with youth, we often overlook the most important panacea to the aging process: movement. Movement forces the body to gather sensory information and mechanical energy in order to fire up the muscles. Staying active, researchers repeatedly find, is the key to aging well.Sound obvious? Sure. But the question remains: How much […]
6 Reasons for Muscle Cramps
We are sure that all of you have already had their experiences with painful muscle cramps be it during or after training or even at rest.How does a cramp occur? Muscles exist of a large number of muscle cells. With the help of mineral ions, also called electrolytes, your brain sends electric impulses […]
How to Fit Fitness Into What You Already Do Every Day
We often start the day with the best intentions to get to the gym, go for a power walk, or make it to yoga class. Then life gets in the way. When we have to work late, fold piles of laundry and complete a mile-long list of errands, the workout is often the first to […]
Are You Doing It Right? Part 2
Bridge The Faux Pas: This move is meant to target the butt, but it’s easy to just “go through the motions” and let the hamstrings take over. The Fix: Don’t cheat! To make sure you engage the glutes, “plant only your heels on the ground, driving through them as you perform the movement,” Bicep […]
How much sleep do you need?
Sleep is glorious and many of us feel like we aren’t getting enough of it. Well, now you have a chart to consult! Just turn to the National Sleep Foundation’s newly released set of recommendations for various points of life, sleep-duration numbers that were developed after an extensive review of past scientific literature and input […]
Are You Doing It Right?
Pushups The Faux Pas: “With pushups, most people screw up posture. Instead of a straight line, they wind up looking like a curve. The collapse usually happens at the lower back, and is caused by a lack of attention to core strength.” The Fix: “Start with your butt higher in the air, and hit the […]
CNY Food Guide
Holiday season is upon us again! As we gear up for the festivities, we would like to remind all to practice mindful eating and drinking. Enjoy the holidays and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all! source : Ministry of Health Malaysia 2012
How to Relieve Post Workout Fatigue
One of the benefits of getting enough exercise is supposed to be that it gives you more energy to get through your day, but sometimes that just isnt the case. When working out leaves you more tired than you were before you started, that can be an indicator that something is wrong. There are a […]
How to Relieve Post Workout Fatigue
One of the benefits of getting enough exercise is supposed to be that it gives you more energy to get through your day, but sometimes that just isnt the case. When working out leaves you more tired than you were before you started, that can be an indicator that something is wrong. There are a […]
Are you waiting for the perfect time ? Are you reasoning your way our of achieving those goals ? Maybe it time to stop thinking and just do. Success = Doing the right thing !!
Are you waiting for the perfect time ? Are you reasoning your way our of achieving those goals ? Maybe it time to stop thinking and just do. Success = Doing the right thing !!
Is Slow Metabolism the Cause of Weight Gain?
The Gist of It While slow metabolism exists, its a rare condition that has nothing to do with being overweight. Being overweight has everything to do with diet and exercise (or rather, the wrong diet and exercise). To really lose weight, you need to commit to a lifestyle of clean eating and regular exercising. There […]
Is Slow Metabolism the Cause of Weight Gain?
The Gist of It While slow metabolism exists, its a rare condition that has nothing to do with being overweight. Being overweight has everything to do with diet and exercise (or rather, the wrong diet and exercise). To really lose weight, you need to commit to a lifestyle of clean eating and regular exercising. There […]
5 Ways to Get Processed Food Out of Your Diet
One of the most powerful health choices you can make is to “unprocess” your diet. With all the controversy about the “perfect way” to eat, there’s one guideline that everyone can agree on: minimizing or avoiding processed foods. Processed foods not only have damaging effects on their own, but they also crowd out the healthful […]
5 Ways to Get Processed Food Out of Your Diet
One of the most powerful health choices you can make is to “unprocess” your diet. With all the controversy about the “perfect way” to eat, there’s one guideline that everyone can agree on: minimizing or avoiding processed foods. Processed foods not only have damaging effects on their own, but they also crowd out the healthful […]
How Much Should Your Workout Hurt?
Pain can indicate progress, or problems. Here’s how you gauge discomfort. Differentiating between the usual, I just worked out really hard pains, and the more worrisome, I think I mightve hurt myself ones can be difficult, especially when youre trying to push yourself towards progress. Theres a pain of injury and a pain of adaptationone […]
Tips to Stay Fit Over the Holidays
It’s that time of year: The clock has turned back, Halloween is over, stores are preparing for the holidays and our diets go by the wayside. Farewell, bikinis and salads. Hello, big sweaters and comfort food. All those yummy holiday meals will invariably add a few pounds that we’ll struggle to lose when the New […]
Is it Better to Train by Time or by Distance?
When you start a cardio session, do you set a time goal, like “I’m going to use the elliptical for one episode of Veep?” Or do you set a distance goal, such as, “I will stay on this treadmill until I run five miles, no matter how long it takes?” Neither approach is wrong, but […]
Yes, you can learn to love a workout
Most of us avoid one type of exercise or another. Here’s how to become a (happy) convert. Do what you love and love what you do may be an aspirational Oprah-esque career goal, but it also applies to how most of us approach the time we log at the gym. Our favored activities easily win […]
Anne’s WBC journey
“Boot Camp”….. someone answered when asked what they did for exercise. It immediately evoked images from my younger years in Northern Ireland during the ‘troubles’. Images of army training near my home which appeared to involve running up and down the Mourne mountains in all weathers dressed in full fatigues and weighed down with back […]
Tired of running in straight lines ?
The Warrior Obstacle Run is cancelled for this Saturday only , sorry for any inconvenience caused
Beware of sneaky sugar
As a huge peanut butter and jelly addict, I fell in love with Questbar after the first bite. A friend introduced it to me a while ago, and I decided to buy a box of a dozen while shopping for other health supplements on iHerb.com. I was impressed when I read the label No […]
Warriors at Viper Challenge
I must say, I didnt know what to expect at the Viper Challenge 2014. For all I know, its a half marathon distance with obstacles along the way. Call it ignorance but I didnt even bother to check out what the obstacles are like either; not even the photos or videos from Viper Challenge the […]
Warriors at Viper Challenge
I must say, I didnt know what to expect at the Viper Challenge 2014. For all I know, its a half marathon distance with obstacles along the way. Call it ignorance but I didnt even bother to check out what the obstacles are like either; not even the photos or videos from Viper Challenge the […]
How Consuming Alcohol Affects You Post-Workout
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that alcohol doesn’t mix well with exercise, but the actual impact of swigging a drink post-workout as opposed to a protein shake might be more devastating than you may think. It’s important to take proper precaution when deciding to slug back a couple beers after exercise. Alcohol Acts […]
How Consuming Alcohol Affects You Post-Workout
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that alcohol doesn’t mix well with exercise, but the actual impact of swigging a drink post-workout as opposed to a protein shake might be more devastating than you may think. It’s important to take proper precaution when deciding to slug back a couple beers after exercise. Alcohol Acts […]
The benefit of strong core in your daily life
1. A healthy back Low back pain can become debilitating in time if you dont focus on solving the issue. It is usually the result of having weak abdominal muscles and overly strong back muscles, but exercise that help strengthen your core muscles will bring balance to the front and back of your body and […]
The benefit of strong core in your daily life
1. A healthy back Low back pain can become debilitating in time if you dont focus on solving the issue. It is usually the result of having weak abdominal muscles and overly strong back muscles, but exercise that help strengthen your core muscles will bring balance to the front and back of your body and […]
What Are The Most Important Benefits Of Physical Therapy ?
1. Physical therapy improves mobility and motion When it comes to quality of life, motion is essential, and while we usually take mobility for granted, we must realize that without it, everyday tasks would be extremely difficult. Imagine emptying a dishwasher with a stiff lower back, or bending to pick up a toy when your […]
What Are The Most Important Benefits Of Physical Therapy ?
1. Physical therapy improves mobility and motion When it comes to quality of life, motion is essential, and while we usually take mobility for granted, we must realize that without it, everyday tasks would be extremely difficult. Imagine emptying a dishwasher with a stiff lower back, or bending to pick up a toy when your […]
What Happens When Your Body Fat Drops Low?
Your body fat percentage is a measurement comparing your fat stores to your overall body weight. People whose percentages are too high over 24 percent for men and over 31 percent for women are classified as obese, according to the American Council on Exercise. They are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes […]
The Human Condition
Bodies are different, but people really arent. Watch one mans story of change. In fitness, adaptation produces strength. When changes are introduced, our bodies adapt, and we grow stronger. In the video above, Equinox member Jed McGiffin shares his story of adaptation. And even though no two bodies are the same, nor meet the same […]
Change In Your Habits To Benefit From Quality Sleep Time
Keep a schedule Think of your sleep time like you do (or should, right?) about your workout time: It is an appointment you made with yourself. If it was an appointment you made with your boss, you wouldnt cancel or postpone, right? So if you want to get quality sleep, you should get used to […]
4 Ways Exercise Treats Depression Naturally
1. EXERCISE HELPS TO REGULATE HORMONES Increased use of pharmaceuticals and advancing age can lead to hormonal changes, further leading to anxiety and depression. Exercise helps to return these hormones to homeostatis. Qigong in particular has been shown to reduce depression in elderly patients. And teen patients can even reap the benefits of exercise to […]
What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Working Out?
Even when you have the best of intentions, life sometimes gets in the way of a fitness routine. And whatever the reason behind it, the absence of workouts will cause your body to lose some of the progress it had made. Heres how an exercise hiatus impacts your bodyand what to do to get back […]
Why sleep deprivation could influence our fitness level?
1. Your Performance Will Be Less Than Average Even one night of little sleep can affect your workout. Reaction times decrease and performance on tasks like driving and even handling heavy weights declines. That means your cognitive function (your ability to think straight, put in layman terms) is also affected greatly. It becomes harder to […]
How To Push Yourself Through A Tough Workout
1. Mini-goals If you split your workout into smaller workouts, it may seem easier. So instead of thinking you need to run 5 miles, you can think that youre only doing 5 short runs of 1 mile. If you have 6 exercises in a session, you actually only have 2 small exercises for the arms, […]
I joined Warrior Bootcamp in July with the initial intention to become fitter for the Viper Challenge (an obstacle race) this November 2014 in Sepang. I have always been clumsy, timid and being an indoor person, I did not lead an active lifestyle by nature. Furthermore, I used to have chronic knee pains; Patellofemoral […]
8 Solid Reasons to Bootcamp
If the gym’s a bore and you can never keep up with self-motivation, perhaps bootcamp’s the answer. 1. Efficient and effective workouts Each boot camp workout is specifically tailored to help you burn the maximum amount of fats with the minimum amount of time. Because it utilises multiple types of physical conditioning which works out […]
What is Mental Toughness to Nicol David, World No. 1 Squash Player
Mental toughness is what stands between success and failure in most situations. World No. 1 squash player Datuk Nicol David gives some ideas on how she does it: Ever ran a marathon or hiked up Mount Kinabalu? Or perhaps slaved away on a treadmill? If youve done physical activity of any sort, youll realise that […]
Benefits of Chia Seeds – The Superfood
1. They have an amazing nutritional value compared to the calories. So for a serving size of 1 ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds you get 11 grams of fiber, 9 grams of fat (5 of which are Omega 3s), 4 grams of protein and a bunch of minerals and vitamins.2. Almost all carbs in […]
Dead Butt Syndrome
You know how when you sit for a really long time in one position, your booty starts to ache? Yeah, that’s not what we’re talking about when we say “dead butt syndrome” (but still, ouch). Dead Butt Syndrome is caused by inflammation in your gluteus medius muscles, and though it sounds funny, its no laughing […]
What Are Some Easy Ways To Protect Your Joints?
You should know how to protect your joints regardless of whether you work out or not. Your wrists and your ankles are extremely important in everyday movements. Those who have had problems with their knees also know how incredibly uncomfortable it can be to perform easy tasks like bending to pick something up, or even […]
Portion Control Tips To Manage How Much You Eat
The easiest way to lose weight is to watch what you eat- simple concept, right? After all, abs are made in the kitchen, so regardless of how much you work out, you still need to have a bit of portion control in order to make sure youre not eating your way out of progress. But […]
Why Workouts Are The Best Stress Management Tools?
We live in the kind of world where stress management is talked about daily, but which is less often put into practice. Youre too busy to notice that youre stressed, and how this is affecting your body. The current times do not allow for too much leisure time, and work is never light and relaxing- […]
How to Do the Perfect Sit-Up
The Sit-Up has been around for decades and it’s one of the first exercises taught by gym teachers and fitness trainers. You probably learned to do it in gym class, but it’s highly unlikely that you learned the proper form. So, let’s take a look at how you can do the “perfect” sit-up. Prep Lie […]
Is It Possible to Become Addicted to Exercise?
If there is such a thing as a good kind of bad habit, exercise addiction might seem like one. The words “exercise” and “addiction” don’t often appear in the same sentence, although some scientific research indicates that those who suffer from addictive behaviors, such as drinking and smoking, could be more susceptible to becoming “addicted” […]
All You Need To Know To Increase Metabolism Naturally
If you are trying to lose weight, increasing metabolism naturally can enable you to lose more weight without cutting more calories. Metabolism-enhancing products has made it difficult to separate fact from fiction, but you can find a few research based tips to increase metabolism naturally. Understand What Metabolism is In the simplest terms, metabolism is […]
Muscle Dysmorphia -Big Worries about Bodies
Do you squander hours away looking at your body in the mirror every day? Do you spend more than 2 hours in the gym each day? Are you always worried that your muscles look too small? Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, be careful because you could be suffering from what […]
5 Nutrients You’re Not Getting Enough Of
After a long hard day at the office, I crave a manly dinner. Something that will sharpen my mind, feed my muscles, and infuse me with energy to keep up with two young kids till bedtime. So, often, I have a bowl of cereal. With bananas and whole milk. Mmm. Do I feel like Im […]
The Metrosexuals Have Been Replaced by the Spornosexuals
Rlationparticularly the urban male population. So, emember when “metrosexuals” became a thing? The term, created twenty years ago by Mark Simpson, describes men who are into their appearance, themselves, and have money to burn. It was a new way of thinking about men who cared about traditionally feminine thingsgrooming, their “look”, and so on. At the […]
Will More Protein Help Me Build More Muscle?
Q: I know protein builds muscle, but if I consume more, will I build more? Alex D., Los Angeles, CA MF: Only up to a point. Protein is the main ingredient in muscle fiber, but its only one part of a complex system of nutritional, hormonal, and mechanical requirements that need to be balanced in […]
6 Mistakes You Might Be Making in Boot Camp Class
1) Not Paying Attention People often say they like boot camp classes because someone tells them what to do. “I confess: I love the person who gets so into the workout that she doesn’t hear me,” says Alexandra Allred, lead instructor at the Main Street Gym in Midlothian, TX. “She came to work, to sweat, […]
Does outdoor play help keep the doctor away?
Is modern living resulting in more people becoming disconnected from green spaces and the natural world, at the expense of our health and well-being? Most concern is centred around children, who – say campaigners – are missing out on opportunities afforded to previous generations, ones as simple as climbing trees or getting their knees dirty. […]
5 Myths About Getting Flat Stomach
We all want to have that sexy flat stomach, especially when the summer is near, and we are willing to work for it. The problem is that lots of people are wasting their efforts simply because they have a wrong information about getting flat stomach. Heres 5 myths you should not believe about it: Extra […]
Is Sleep Quality Influenced by Physical Activity?
Exercise to Increase Sleep Quality! According to a study, people had better sleep quality and felt more alert throughout the day if they get a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise every week. From a sample of over 2,600 18 85 aged women and men, researchers found that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous […]
How social media is ruining our body confidence
Are you one of those affected?According to a new survey by Dove, carried out as part of its Changing Face of Beauty: 2004 to 2014 project, social media is having a powerful effect on our beauty confidence, and it’s not all good. While 57 per cent of us say a Facebook ‘like’ does our sense […]
Nutrition info : Only one glass of fruit juice a day
A single glass of fruit juice a day is the most anyone should drink, new guidelines say, as a British report warns that families are consuming unsafe levels of sugar. There is rising concern that sugar is one of the greatest threats to health, creating an obesity time bomb and contributing to spiralling levels of […]
Nature-Deficit Disorder
Your day breaks, your mind aches for something stimulating to match the stirrings of the season. The gate at the urban edge is open, here to the Santa Catalina Mountains, and yet you turn inward, to pixels and particle-board vistas. Somethings amiss. A third of all American adults check, it just went up to […]
High cholesterol may hit chances of having a baby
HIGH cholesterol levels may reduce a couple’s chances of having children, a study has found. The US research suggests a link between raised cholesterol and infertility as well as heart disease. When both partners in a couple had high amounts of cholesterol in their blood it took the longest time to achieve a pregnancy, the […]
Encourage outdoor play
Get active: More children are getting overweight and lack vitamin D because they are not playing outside. AFP The South East Asian Nutrition Surveys (Seanuts) found that sedentary lifestyle is a worrying trend resulting in overnutrition and vitamin D deficiency. ECONOMIC prosperity has enabled Malaysians to feed their children more, but it does not […]
How much physical activity do you need each week?
Each of us should aim to participate in an appropriate level of physical activity for our age. These guidelines apply across the population, irrespective of gender, race or socio-economic status. The age groups covered in this report are: early years (under 5s) children and young people (518 years) adults (1964 years) […]
Why Guys Should Never Take Gym Selfies
While we fully support girls taking gym selfies, guys should just focus on actually working out at the health club. To illustrate our point, we found nine gym selfies and give you the reasons why the guys in the photos are breaking Guy Code. First, the above photo is an amazing catch. Someone caught this […]
Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition for Runners
An effective training schedule isnt made up of runs alone; to improve both your fitness and your race times, its essential to put thought into what youre putting into your stomach. By eating the right foods at the right times, your body will recover and be able to perform the way you want it to, […]
Why burpees are best for a full-body workout
Fitness freaks swear by them. Newbies fear them. Burpees, also known as the squat thrust, are a true test of ones level of physical fitness. It combines a squat, push-up and jump that should be performed in one continuous motion. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the burpee was made popular in the 1930s. It […]
Slope Running
Running up slopes offers higher benefits than you think. Slope running should be included into our workout as often as possible, especially when we can afford to run out. Not only it helps to burn a greater number of calories in a shorter time but it also significantly increases athletic performance, especially for those who […]
Warriors Give Back to Ru Yi Home
The idea of setting up a charity program to give back to the community came up one day over a breakfast conversation in Sri Ananda Bahwan after beach bootcamp. A few of us are first timers when it comes to this but have always wanted to start somewhere, just… not to sure where and how. […]
Worst Post Workout Mistakes
1. Gulping a Sports Drink One of the worst post-workout mistakes is gulping a sports drink. Unless youre working out at an intense pace for hours, you dont need to refuel with a sports drink. Instead of drinking your calories, stick to water and a small snack, like an apple with peanut butter, or carrots […]
The New Rules of Fitness
Decades ago, fitness consisted of two workouts: all-out, all the time; and LSDlong, slow distance training. Then fitness went high-tech. Personal-metrics devices from companies like Polar, Garmin, Nike, and others became a billion-dollar industry. Nutrition took wild turns, too. Rocky-style raw-egg shakes were replaced by beet juice smoothies as the (legal) performance-enhancing drug of choice. […]
What the fxxxk a 100k Ultra Trail Run!
What the fxxxk a 100km Ultra Marathon?! I think these were the first few words that came out of our mouths when Roger decided to challenge us to the Vibram HK 100KM trail run. What the hell had I let myself in for? Personally, Ive had my share of crazy endurance experiences in my military […]
Signs you are over training
Signs you are over training: Exercise is good for you but sometimes in our quest to improve we think the more the better and consequently do not allow our bodies enough rest and recuperation. The outcome is that by over-training we actually do more harm than good and weaken our changes of achieving our goals.Some […]
Kids & Outdoors
Many parents today spent their childhood riding their bikes and playing games like baseball or dodgeball on side streets and in neighbors’ backyards. Many children today spend much of their time indoors, playing games on their tablets or watching television. The American Academy of Pediatrics says lots of unstructured outdoor play is critical to the […]
5 Morning Rituals That Will Keep You Productive All Day
Most of us work long hours: 40, 50 or even 60 hours each week. But chances are, given distractions like online entertainment, office snacking habits and ill-designed time management, we’re only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day. Here are five practical steps to incorporate into any morning routine to optimize your time […]
FREE Advise for better health and happiness
DO YOU KNOW that proper physical exercise in a green natural environment is probably the most effective treatment for improving health,reducing stress, preventing illness and enhancing mood. Why because it is your natural habitat & your body is designed to be active and in the great outdoors.For most of use we spend all day inactive […]
Honesty is the best policy
Have you ever justified your weight by saying you are big-boned? What about your eating and exercise habits? How often do you really eat out? How many days did you actually get to the gym last month? Are you being honest with yourself when it comes to your health? And are you asking others to […]
Warriors took on the Round Island Relay challenge
Having to wake up at 3am on a Sunday morning wasn’t fun, NOT FUN at all. The pressure of having to sleep by 10pm in order to get enough hours of sleep before having to get up… well, let’s just say not everything worked according to plan. Pre race jitters as some may call it. […]
The Beer Drinkers Guide to Running a Marathon
In my dream there is an annoying siren sounding, interrupting my slumber. I open one eye and realise its my alarm going off. Damn. 4am Saturday morning. Time to get up for a training run. It was my friends idea to run a marathon. Back in May it seemed like a good idea. How hard […]
How to make exercise a habit
Of three top ways in which you can make life better decreasing stress, reducing pain and sleeping better exercise helps you do all three. When you are ready to improve the quality of your life and make exercise plans, youll want to form a daily exercise routine. How? Remember that an exercise lifestyle […]
The power of camaraderie
To be encouraged means literally to acquire courage, while to be discouraged is to give in to fear. Soldiers need courage to charge into battle, and without it, they won’t. We all conceals a level of fear and anxiety inside ourselves, however in order to meet life’s challenges and crises, we all have to discover […]
Want to know HOW to succeed ?
Just do it: There is no right time, start now !!!Set a Goal:Lose Weight Runs a 10km get into those jeans . remember your goal must be realistic and achievable. Announce your goal to the world , tell your friends , put it on FB, the social pressure will help you keep focused.Make a written […]
Korbu Challenge 2013
The Korbu Challenge, which was held on 23rd November 2013 in Ipoh, Perak was probably the toughest race I’ve done to date. Dont get me wrong, Im sure there are many more races which are way tougher than this. Now Ive run a little, hiked a mountain or two, so I thought maybe […]
Foam Rolling Tips for Runners
Call it a runner bummer: “The repetitive motion of running is bound to cause tight spots,” says Jordan D. Metzl, MD, a doctor of sports medicine at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City and the author of The Athlete’s Book of Home Remedies. Here Dr. Metzl is on call to map out […]
Obesity a big problem now in Malaysia
Obesity needs to be highlighted as a disease to underline the gravity of the condition.Two health associations want the Government to move public awareness in this direction.Malaysian Society for the Study of Obesity president Prof Dr Mohd Ismail Noor said the situation had become more urgent because there were more overweight children now.They do not […]
Diabetics in Malaysia getting younger
The number of diabetics is continuing to rise and the more worrying statistic is that the disease is claiming more younger Malaysians as among its victims.The most recent National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) shows that almost double those in the 30 to 39 age group were afflicted with the disease compared to five years […]
When back pain is a sign of serious illness
Infections, bladder problems, even cancer – those aches and twinges in your back could be trying to tell you something Sometimes organs send pain signals to other body parts – notably the back For instance, kidney and bladder problems are easily mistaken as back pain. GPs can’t fully explain why this happens, though they have some […]
Health & Fitness Tip:
To lose weight get more sleep. Studies have shown that those who sleep less often weigh more On average, we need about 7.5 hours of quality sleep per night, he says. If you are getting this already, another half hour will not help you lose 5 kg, but if you are a five-hour sleeper and […]
Is housework making you fat? It’s sure not helping much
Is housework making you fat? It’s sure not helping much Your broom can’t beat your bike. People who rely on housework to burn fat are heavier than those who get their exercise elsewhere — like walking or cycling, says a new study from northern Ireland. Researchers surveyed nearly 5,000 people and found that domestic physical […]
The Military Warrior Athlete
The demands imposed by Special Operations Forces (SOF) training and missions are unlike any other athletic endeavor. Success requires the mustering of all strength and enduranceboth physical and mental.SOF are Warrior Athletes, the ultimate athlete, at the top of the athletic pyramid.
Warrior Fitness Tip: Get Balance
As a person we think we will live forever , however when you hit about 40 you start to feel the consequences of your lifestyle. However the reality for excellent health , fitness & peak athletic performance you must not only train the right way but also live the right way. Physical training does not […]
Warrior Fitness Tip
No person is an island. Train with friends to get more motivated. The camaraderie, fun and mental support of training with other like minded people will encourage you to achieve things you never believed you could do !!
Lack of Sleep May Trigger Anxiety
Staying out all hours and making do on a few winks of sleep might not just make you look rough in the morningit could actually cause you to feel seriously stressed out and edgy throughout the day.A new study from the Journal of Neuroscience found that when youre sleep deprived, it increases the odds that […]
Exercises That Help Prevent Knee Pain
Calf stretch Stand at arm’s length away from a wall. Place your right foot behind your left foot. With your hands against the wall for support, slowly bend your left knee forward, keeping your right knee straight, your right heel on the floor, and your left knee above your left foot. Hold for about 30 […]
Are you generally fit ?
General fitness training works towards broad goals of overall health and well-being, rather than narrow goals of sport competitions, larger muscles or concerns over appearance. Unfortunately for quite a few of us who do physical training, we are generally not very fit or healthy. We may have high cholesterol, and other health related problems, recurring […]
Watermelon boosts athletic performance and improves recovery
The juice has long had a reputation amongst athletes, but now scientists have found evidence that it can relieve post-exercise muscle soreness. One of the naturally occurring chemicals found in the fruit accelerates lactic acid removal, allowing better physical performance as the athlete can carry out more intense training and is able to recover faster […]
Effective fat burning workout, HIIT – Learn why
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is still a relatively new phenomenon in the fitness world, some people claim it is the quickest and most efficient way to lose fat fast, while others still prefer going for a light jog or a walk. What Is HIIT HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, which means you […]
Ditch junk food and beat stress … with exercise
Put away that sticky bun — working out will ease your tension and leave you feeling totally calm and relaxedWhen did you last feel stressed? Your answer is likely to be very recently — you might even be feeling stressed this very minute. And you are not alone.Stress as we term it today started as […]
Featured on Guang Ming
Warrior Bootcamp is featured on Guang Ming! Check us out! http://www.guangming.com.my/node/176282?tid=9
Misconception about low carb diet
The common trend at the minute is to have that lean athletic look or the shredded physique adopted by many celebrities with their well defined abs ready for the beach. Both of these physiques are very achievable but only with the correct nutrition and training. A common diet followed by most people seeking to achieve […]
Tucking into a big breakfast hailed as way to lose weight
Research has highlighted an unlikely way to stay slim the Big Breakfast diet. Tucking into lots of calories at the start of the day can assist weight loss, a study has shown. But, for the diet to work, a heavy breakfast must be balanced by a light supper. Scientists studied 93 obese women who […]
Detox diet side effects
Thinking of signing up for a fruit juice cleanse? You might first consider how your body reacts to a week with no protein or fat and fewer than 1,000 calories a day. After the first sip Your brain’s hunger signals are answered with a dump of pure fruit-juice sugar. And don’t get any ideasveggie-based body […]
Warrior of the month award
Warrior Bootcamp awards recruits who show consistency, resilience, teamwork and determination in training. The Warrior of the Month award is chosen based on the inputs from all our instructors. You don’t have to be the physically fittest or strongest to be selected but consistently demonstrate a never say die attitude, team skills and mental toughness […]
How Sleep helps your Heart
New research suggests that getting a good nights rest can help you squeeze more mileage out of your existing healthy behaviors. When you scope out the most nutritious foods in the grocery store, hit the gym almost every day, turn down cigarettes, and put a limit on the number of alcoholic drinks you throw back […]
Sports drinks do you really need them?
Many studies support the performance benefits of sports drinks, and while they do offer the benefit of enhanced fluid absorption and energy delivery during exercise, it is only in a specific context that they should be considered necessary.For example, during recreational exercise like a gym workout, five-a-side soccer, walking or light jogging, water is more […]
Death by Sugar
Guess what? The surge in diabetic death between 1900 and 1920 coincided with the sweeties and fizzy drinks industries properly taking off The cycle of addiction — obsession and craving, caving in and using, remorse and shame, passage of time, more obsession and craving, more caving in and using — happens with sugar too. Here’s an […]
Team-player ?
Teamwork requires a little give and take. We put forth the effort and reap the rewards. We have to see beyond our individual preferences and desires. When we choose a position we need to think of the effects it has on the rest of the team. Our ability to consider the big picture and the […]
Post holiday fat burning exercise
If you’ve taken a holiday recently and absolutely let go while at it, here’s a simple calorie math: If you want to indulge in a few extra calories, you’ll have to sweat off a few more than usual. Send ’em packing with these four explosive moves created by Kim Blake, a trainer at Nike World […]
Why does exercise make you feel great ?
Ever wonder what is going on chemically in the body while you sweat it out? The euphoric feelings during and after exercise, as well as the muscle soreness that might just come a day later, don’t just appear magically. Your body is made up of millions of chemical reactions, which result in different physical and […]
What is mental toughness ?
What is mental toughness ? Is it like what’s portrayed by tough guys in films or top athletes in sports or maybe it is an attitude , a way we live our lives. Here is my list of what mental toughness may be. Being committed and doing what you say you will do. Walk the talk […]
You may need more outdoors ?
Did you know alot of us Malaysians are vitamin D deficient as a result of a lack of exposure to sunlight. Lets be honest we have reluctance to go outdoors or walk anywhere, the fact is we drive from one air-conditioned location to another. However as human beings we need to spend some time outdoors, […]
10 healthy yet cheap organic food
Cheap organic foods? In the face of global economic struggle, the issue of personal finance is at the heart of the average consumer.But do you really have to shed an exorbitant amount of your money to purchase organic foods over conventional?The answer is no, and there is a surprisingly large amount of high quality organic […]
Why we fail – The NATO syndrome
Too often we all fail to achieve our goals because we suffer from the NATO syndrome . NO ACTION TALK ONLY. To get fit and healthy you must first commit I mean commit sincerely and wholeheartedly. Not just talk as talking is easy and does not take much conscious effort. The health benefits of working only […]