How to sign up on the app?
- Launch the app and select the SIGN UP button to create a NEW account. Your existing website log in and password will not work here.
- Add a clear photo of yourself (no avatar images please) or take a selfie.
- Please use a valid local mobile number and add a password.
- Fill in all the necessary information correctly, as required. Please do not use a ‘nama glamour’ or pseudonym. Select Create Account. A Verification Code will be sent to your phone. If you think you did not receive one, try checking your SMS messages.
- Key in the code and press Verify.
- Log into using the telephone number and password you have created. Should you forget your password, an email will be sent to you with your password.
- Please enable Push Notifications on your device so that you may receive urgent announcements like a change of location or session cancellations.
- The desktop version is available at
- If there are any issues, contact Admin at or leave a WhatsApp message at 012-4331282.
i) Child(ren) under 14 years should be registered under a parent.
ii) Student Warriors between ages 14 and 23 attending regular bootcamp should have their own account and are still able to enjoy the student rate.
What can I do on the app?
- View Upcoming Sessions for the next 7 days.
- Reserve a Spot for the sessions you wish to attend.
- Withdraw from the session when you are unable to do so after reserving a spot.
- Check In before the session you are attending (available half an hour before the session starts).
- View and update personal information in My Profile.
- Share your Referral Code with friends. When they make payment as a new Warrior member, you will receive one token.
- View Attended Sessions.
- Pay for your Membership Plans, Purchase Tokens and view its expiration dates.
- Add your Fitness Assessment results.
- View and buy Merchandise and Personal Coaching sessions.
- View your current and past payments.
- Receive updates via your phone notifications for upcoming events and announcements,
and more.
For more detailed information about the app, please take time to read the FAQ here.
For how to sign-up your child(ren) for JBC, read HERE.