Ian Edwards, a former soldier now residing in Kota Kinabalu, served with the British Army on numerous deployments around the world. Coming from an Army family he is well-traveled, never staying anywhere longer than two years until he came to Sabah.
He has been a full-time diving coach for over 20 years and diving for even longer. As a Master Instructor, Ian has trained thousands of new divers to master the basic and the advanced sides of diving and has a passion for helping people achieve their goals including aiding them, especially local Sabahans, to get into professional careers in the diving world.
Also a familiar face on the Ultra trail races around Sabah, Ian has six TMBTs (3x 50km 3x 100km), one Sabah Adventure Challenge, and three times Beaufort 60km races under his belt, together of course with Ranauthlon, Mesilauthon and BIM. In 2017, he took up Spartan races and completed his Trifecta finishing with the first ultra-beast in South East Asia.
Ian says that he has a ‘will not quit attitude towards his running, and towards life in general.’
Personal aims for the near future are to extend the distance and quantity of his Ultra Trail runs, with an end goal of being faster around trails. But his main focus for the future is to make Warrior KK a success. He has now qualified as a FITM Certified Fitness Instructor. Ian is also a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, and an Emergency First Responder Instructor.