I’ve been coming to WBC for just over 3 years now. Previous to this I used to go to the gym a bit and I tried to play a bit of football (badly) most weeks. For about a year before joining WBC I had actually been out injured with a back injury from football, and had really only done a little swimming, and some work on my stabilisation muscles to help strengthen against future injuries. When I was getting healthy again one of my friends Laurel, who many may remember used to be a coach told me about WBC, and said I would really enjoy it.
And I did. I really enjoy the challenge of the workouts, even though there is a range of abilities and fitness levels, everyone can work as hard as they want, and get out of it as much as they put in. There is also great variety, I started out trying to average 2 times a week, and now try to do 3, but no two sessions are ever the same, and sometimes even now we do something new and challenging, and for the following day or two I get that muscle feeling where you know you have worked something new in a whole different way, be it your shoulders or your chest aching, or when you start thinking of the toilet as your enemy after a session that included jump squats.
Another thing that I love is the people. The group was smaller when I first joined, but even then it was a very diverse group of different people from all walks, and everyone is very friendly and welcoming. I also love to have a bit of friendly competition too, and it has been great to have different people to challenge yourself against and use to push you on to the next level.
One thing that WBC has really opened up for me in the past couple of years is running. Prior to January 2015, the longest distance that I had run in one go was about 3km, I used to hear about people running 5ks and 10ks, and just couldn’t understand why people would do that and knew that wasn’t for me (I didn’t even think about crazy people who did longer distances). Then WBC put on a 10k in January 2015, and I realised that we had been doing quite a bit of running during our classes, and with some encouragement, I signed up and finished in a decent time.
Since then I have joined up with different running groups around Penang and have continued to improve my running, I did the Round Island Relay last year, and I also did all the Spartan Race distances last year, including the 20km Beast.
I have always been pretty active and stayed at an okay level of fitness, but I never really had the opportunity to step things up and really improve to a level that I am happy with. I am still on that path, but I think that WBC has got me a lot closer.