Siang’s early exposure to physical activities began in school with the martial art of Wushu. But for the past ten years, he has taken a keen interest in fitness through a varied range of training program from indoor gym workouts, steps and yoga to outdoor bootcamp, running and hiking. His coaching role with Warrior Fitness is mainly in Suspension training, Fundamental & Assessment and one-on-one Personal Coaching.

At his previous experience in the medical and healthcare industry, he is aware of the value of having good health and how important it is to take charge to care and maintain our own body. Siang believes that by being fit and having a healthy diet, he can improve his general health and minimize any occurrence of ill health, a mantra he shares with warriors and those he coaches. Couple that with a ‘never give up attitude’, anything is achievable.


  • Degree in Business Admin and Management.
  • NASM Certified Group Personal Training Specialist.


  • Favorite Warrior Session: Suspension training, Strength Training.
  • Plant based diet

Current sports:

Suspension training, fun steps, hiking, mobility and movement training, GMB Vitamins, Mobius, Elements, fundamentals.

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